Circular economy


The future is in the circular economy.

Along the path of establishing an economically and ecologically sustainable development model, the idea of circular economy becomes the focus of our business.

Circular economy is an imperative and strategic priority of Elixir Group. It is complementary to all other priorities, business, development, technological, environmental and social. Circular economy is not only a business concept and model, but a path to sustainability.

This concept implies innovative thinking about the production process, extending the life cycle of products and recycling, which implies remanufacturing and reuse.

Circular economy is a renewable industrial economy that has a changed the concept of production and consumption in relation to product design, the use of resources and attitude towards waste generation. In the concept of circular economy, waste does not exist, but only raw material that can be reused for the same or other production processes. The potential for the application of the circular economy in the chemical division of Elixir Group is great.

Cir Ekonomija logo

Elixir Group – from linear to circular economy

It is a powerful combination of waste management and environmental protection, technology and economics. On the one hand, this implies the maximization of circularity in production processes and the life cycle of products, and at the same time, circular synergy with other industries and various technological processes.

On the other hand, given that the chemical industry is a large consumer of energy, the implementation of the waste to energy concept enables the use of waste as a resource for the production of energy and alternative energy sources, i.e. the complete substitution of fossil fuels

Waste to energy and waste to chemicals projects support our strategically important goal of decarbonization.

Circular economy
CE dijagram

Waste to Chemicals

The concept of reuse of recyclable chemicals in the production processes of the chemical industry, after their initial use in some other industrial applications, after which the physico-chemical characteristics and content of the active substance have been preserved. The production members of the chemical division are intensively working on the implementation of new alternative raw materials in their technological processes.

Circular economy, alternative and renewable energy sources are an integral part of Elixir Group’s decarbonization strategy by 2030.

By analyzing the life cycle of products using the “cradle to gate” method, it was determined that 60% of the carbon footprint of the Chemical Division’s products comes from the use of fossil fuels for thermal and electrical energy, and the remaining 40% comes from “upstream operations”, i.e. the transport sector. Technological processes of the Chemical Division are not sources of GHG emissions.

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Postulates in the application of circular economy

The applied technology supports the use of alternative raw materials

Without harmful effects on the environment

Without negative effects on the quality of finished products

Circular economy projects in production processes

  • NULA otpadnih voda iz procesa proizvodnje fosforne kiseline – do 2026
  • Smanjenje upotrebe vode kao resursa u proizvodnim procesima za 30% – do 2026
  • Ponovna upotreba alternativnih izvora fosfora kao neobnovljivog resursa gde su potencijali rekuperacije najveći – 30% do 2030.
  • Projekti cirkularne ekonomije će do 2030. smanjiti za 65% ugljenični otisak “upsteam” operacija koje se odnose na poreklo sirovina i transport do naših lokacija
  • Preostalih 35% ugljeničnog otiska “upsteam” operacija će se rešavati u skladu sa globalnlim rešenjima dekarbonizacije mobility sektora

Waste management according to the 5R principles

All planned circular economy and decarbonization projects are complementary and imply respect for the 5R hierarchy in waste management.


The most useful waste is precisely the one which we have prevented from generating. We should work on it daily and comprehensively. Our Status Quo is:

» ZERO non-recyclable waste and wastewater from the mineral fertilizer production process

» 100% recycling of own packaging waste

» 100% recycling of own non-standard products


Where we cannot prevent the generation of waste, we can influence the reduction of the amount and frequency. We influence this by applying the principles of circular economy, thereby reducing the amount of waste and reducing the use of new natural resources.


Material reuse is possible if the following postulates are met:

» Adequate technology is applied

» There is no negative impact on the environment

» The quality of the product is not impaired.


If we cannot refuse, reduce or reuse a particular material, we can repurpose it instead. Waste has become a valid resource, with a range of possibilities for use as a raw material or as an energy source. Investments in these technologies are significant, but the benefits are multiple and even more significant.


Last but not least is the recycling! Recycling is the most environmentally friendly method of handling waste. Here we can be both creative and innovative. The possibilities are great, from office material recycling to complex chemical recycling processes and obtaining new products that we return to the new production cycles of circular economy.

And at every step, think. And then rethink.

Environmental protection and conservation of resources in focus

A higher degree of energy independence, waste reduction, constant care for the living environment and society is the starting point for the application of the circular economy concept in Elixir Group.

By applying the circular business model, we achieve a more efficient and sustainable use of resources by returning them to the production process.

Cirkularna ekonomija

We create economic, social and environmental benefits for the whole country

We provide waste management services.

We invest in technological development and rational use of natural resources.

Connecting production and service activities through the implementation of the circular economy principles.

More on Eco Energy division

Almost all factories in the EU operate according to the principle of circularity

The model of material circulation, i.e. its reuse, contributes to an increase in the use of raw materials and, at the same time, a reduction in the use of energy, water and other resources. In this way, instead of being improperly disposed of and stored, all materials are returned to the production process as raw materials after use, which satisfies the basic principle of circularity. This reduces the emission of harmful gases with the greenhouse effect and establishes new business models by developing cooperation with generators of industrial waste in order to reuse it.

Circularity for a better future

An integrated part of the company strategy

The transition from linear to circular economy is a strategically important goal of Elixir. Investments in existing innovative technologies, contribution to circularity and sustainability are in line with the business vision and values we cherish.

We apply international quality standards

All our production processes are continuously measured, and the monitoring is in compliance with the highest regulations of the European Union, even when they are higher than the prescribed regulations of the Republic of Serbia.

We care about the environment for future generations

We recognize the application of circular economy principles and support for the communities in which we operate as an imperative for further joint development.