The most useful waste is precisely the one which we have prevented from generating. We should work on it daily and comprehensively. Our Status Quo is:
» ZERO non-recyclable waste and wastewater from the mineral fertilizer production process
» 100% recycling of own packaging waste
» 100% recycling of own non-standard products
Where we cannot prevent the generation of waste, we can influence the reduction of the amount and frequency. We influence this by applying the principles of circular economy, thereby reducing the amount of waste and reducing the use of new natural resources.
Material reuse is possible if the following postulates are met:
» Adequate technology is applied
» There is no negative impact on the environment
» The quality of the product is not impaired.
If we cannot refuse, reduce or reuse a particular material, we can repurpose it instead. Waste has become a valid resource, with a range of possibilities for use as a raw material or as an energy source. Investments in these technologies are significant, but the benefits are multiple and even more significant.
Last but not least is the recycling! Recycling is the most environmentally friendly method of handling waste. Here we can be both creative and innovative. The possibilities are great, from office material recycling to complex chemical recycling processes and obtaining new products that we return to the new production cycles of circular economy.
And at every step, think. And then rethink.