The product NPK 6:12:24 + 6% S in terms of its ratio of nutrients represents a well-balanced formulation for achieving high and stable yields of all cultivated plants that have an increased need for potassium (K)
Tomato fertilization recommendations
The mineral nutrition of tomatoes must be balanced, otherwise there will be antagonism in the absorption of ions and a drop in yield
In intensive production, high yields and good quality of fruits are achieved by the correct and balanced application of complex mineral fertilizers, which must be coordinated with agrochemical analyses of the soil, needs and planned yields, as well as the type and conditions of production.
The intensity of uptake as well as nutrient requirements depends on growth and development. Tomatoes, like most vegetable crops, require potassium (K) the most out of all macroelements. Its consumption is highest at the time of intense plant growth, flowering, fruit formation and fruit development. Potassium (K) is one of the main factors that influence its size and good coloring.
Optimum provision of the plant with sulfur (S), magnesium (Mg) and calcium (Ca) contribute to a more intensive synthesis of dry matter, greater photosynthetic activity, tolerance to diseases and adverse environmental conditions.
Elixir Zorka from the range of SUPREME product line singles out several formulations based on potassium sulfate (SOP) suitable for use in intensive tomato production.
Which mineral fertilizer do we recommend for the tomato crop
NPK 6:12:24
AmoSulfan belongs to the category of nitrogen fertilizers. It is extremely suitable for feeding all types of plants. The use of AmoSulfan significantly improves the availability and uptake of phosphorus on alkaline and neutral soils
NutriVeg NPK 10:10:20
NutriVeg NPK 10:10:20 +2% MgO +9% S +0.2% B +0.1% Zn is a complex, solid mineral fertilizer, the application of which provides complete nutrition to cultivated plants with all necessary macro and microelements during the production process cycle
NPK 12:11:18
The product NPK 12:11:18 + 2% MgO + 15% S + 0.01% B + 0.02% Zn + TE is a complex, solid mineral fertilizer of superior quality, which is primarily used for the production of highly profitable fruit and vegetable crops
NPK 12:12:17
The product NPK 12:12:17+ 2% Mg + 14% S + 0.02% B + 0.01% Zn provides balanced nutrition for a large number of plant species. Carefully selected secondary macro and microelements ensure high yields and exceptional product quality
NutriBOOST NP 10:45
NutriBOOST NP 10:45 + 5% S + 1% Zn is a new generation microgranulated fertilizer with a special additive that protects phosphorus (P) from blocking in the soil, preventing its reaction with other elements such as Ca, Al and Fe
Spring fertilization of tomatoes implies the use of nitrogen fertilizers, because nitrogen is the carrier of tomato yield
Amosulfan 20% N + 24% S
AmoSulfan contains nitrogen in ammoniacal form.
This form of nitrogen binds more easily and is more difficult to wash out from the soil profile, which makes it available to plants for a longer period of time. Sulfur, as the main macroelement, directly affects the increase in the quality of cereal grains, because it participates in protein synthesis.
AmoSulfanHow do we help our clients and partners
Expert advice
In the process of selecting an adequate nutrient for the tomato crop, our experts are always at the disposal of agricultural producers.By choosing products from the range of Elixir Zorka mineral fertilizers, based on the analysis of the soil and the needs of the cultivated crop, agricultural producers enable the cultivated plants to have a balanced growth and development, as well as stable and high yields.
Stable growth and high yields
Proper growth and development of plants requires a balanced balance of nutrients found in the soil. Elixir Zorka complex mineral fertilizers are characterized by a high concentration of nutrients, uniform granulation and high water solubility in the soil.
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